Marine live rock is an essential element for success in most any
saltwater reef tank or saltwater fish tank. Live rock acts as an extremely
efficient biological filter system breaking down wastes to less toxic
compounds quickly. Their importance should not be overlooked or
underestimated, especially when setting up a new tank for the nitrogen cycle,
or for adding to old tanks that need a fresh influx of the nitrifying bacteria
and coralline algae.
Whenever buying new live rock, it is a good idea to cure it completely
before putting it into your main tank, as there is usually still some "die
off" which can create an ammonia spike in your marine tank. After your live
rock has been cleaned of all die off, and is ready for the main tank, it will
still not be completely "cured" for about 6 weeks.
Therefore the best practice for introducing new live rock into your
marine aquaria is to first treat it by putting it in a large tub of saltwater
with a circulating pump and a good protein skimmer. Measure the ammonia
concentration daily, and do water changes in the tub if high or discolored, to
be sure that the live organisms have good quality water. Once ammonia levels
stop rising, it is time for the display tank!