Wednesday, January 12, 2011

SPS Hard Corals and Angel Fishes Together

Sometimes one has to research a little to find out which species of fishes are compatible with stony sps coral and their polyps. This should always be done before buying a new fish for your reef tank.

That being said, there are sometimes (if not always) exceptions! Ask about anyone and they will tell you that flame angels are nippers, and not good with sps and in general hard corals. They would be right. However…



The Flame Angel pictured here was purchase about 8 years ago after the return of its predecessor for nibbling. After a little reading and talking about, I discovered that the Flame angels from Hawaii are less aggressive on corals than those from Fiji and elsewhere. So, I waited until this Hawaiian Flame Angel came in to my LFS and picked him up after a week or so of checking him out for health. He has been great! I will see him nip now and then, but nothing like the old one I had.

Just food for thought on Dwarf Flame Angels and coral polyps.
