Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Affordable Artificial Coral Decorations
Previously I introduced a line of museum quality coral decorations and inserts. Some of these awesome replicas were just outside the price range of a lot of my customers.
$1,077.00 $1,112.95 $46.34
So, I have found another company, Instant Reef by Archer, which in general sells for about one third the price of my highest quality brand. These corals and inserts look fairly similar to me, at least at a distance. They also offer artificial live rock with coralline algae and much more. Here is a link to their site, and some pictures of their products:
$183.06 $11.34
Both brands are of high enough quality to offer on our site at Saltwater Eddies LLC.
I hope if you are in the market for some fake corals or artificial reef inserts, this will help in your decision to buy.