Friday, November 11, 2011

Saltwater Aquariums and Reef Keeping

Saltwater Aquariums and Reef Keeping

Three Great Coral Food Products from Elos now Available at

We’ve been waiting for a new amino acid supplement that was up to par for our most demanding aquarists. Here it is. The quality and reputation of Elos products is well known by most of you I’m pretty sure. Here are the 3 coral products we have added this week. All are of highest quality for sure:

1) Elos Omega Aminoacids (Amino Acid), 50 ml


Elos Omega Aminoacids (Amino Acid), 50ml
* Provides the coral with:
Amino Acids
* Does not contain phosphates
* Replicates the function of zoo-plankton in the aquarium
* Great for SPS
Elos Omega was the first amino acid integrator available to the market. Does not contain phosphate based preservatives. Normally amino acids are supplied to corals by feeding on plankton, bacterial plankton and “micro” plankton that is usually absent in an aquarium.
Amino acids are also supplied by the zooxantellae, mono-cellular algae, which is included in the endoderm cells of the corals and lives symbiotically with many coral species. This provides the coral with glycerin, amino acids and carbohydrates.
Unfortunately in some aquariums this activity is reduced, sometimes intentionally. In our original studies we observed that the use of selected amino acids and vitamins is a much more effective and convenient way of replicating the function of zoo-plankton in the aquarium. Certain corals, mainly SPS, respond very quickly to the combination of Omega and Pro Skimmer.
In nature, to maintain enough amino acid input to live and grow corals normally feed on plankton, either bacterial plankton, micro plankton, or "large" plankton. Unfortunately live plankton in closed aquarium is normally absent. Amino acids are also supplied by the zooxanthellae, mono-cellular algae which included in the endoderm cells of the corals, live symbiotically with many coral species. The corals` polyps take up the assimilation products that they excrete (carbohydrates, glycerin and amino acids) to live. Unfortunately, in some type of modern aquarium even the activity of zooxanthellae is significantly reduced and sometimes even intentionally impaired. The results are that corals can really "survive" in a precarious equilibrium.
If direct feeding is the best way to feed certain corals species (large LPS and soft corals), when aquarium are densely populated even with SPS this can really become unpractical and, even more, will significantly raise the level of pollutant building up resulting in increased Nitrate and Phosphate levels. Indirect feeding is then the best way to feed corals such as Acropora and/or Seriatopora and in general it is the only way in large community aquarium densely populated by several species of corals.
We have first discovered after several tests that in closed systems some species of corals (mainly SPS) could significantly benefit from a reduced addition of organic additives combined with a selective integration of amino acids. Based on these researches we have introduced to the market Elos OMEGA: the first amino acid based product available to the aquarium market.
Introduced in 1997 it is still the best product available. Based on the original researches of our laboratory, its unique formula is made to supply all the necessary amino acids and vitamins into the water and therefore really substitutes the function of zooplankton in the aquarium. It contains several amino acids in the correct proportions and in a composition very close to the one found in coral skeletons. Elos OMEGA is the ultimate additive to recreate the water conditions in and around natural coral reefs. It delivers 17 important marine amino acids necessary for the absorption and utilization of calcium. Once supplying Elos OMEGA your corals will significantly reduce their need of live food and this will significantly reduce the level of dissolved organics and also nitrogenous waste as a by-product of protein metabolism.
Original formula: the first amino acid integrator available on the aquarium market
Superior nutritional profiles: excellent amino acid profile
No preservatives: does not contains phosphate based preservative
Note: Elos OMEGA is the ORIGINAL amino acid formula. In it we use only pure amino acids sources. Similar products available on the market contain various inorganic phosphate salts intentionally added to them as preservatives. To avoid the need of these preservatives we take great care to packing condition, which are made in low contaminated controlled atmosphere.

2) Elos Pro Skimmer Coral Food, 50ml


Elos Pro Skimmer Coral Food:
A complex carbohydrate formula based on pure carbohydrate sources
Ideal for Soft, LPS and SP corals
highly bio-available formula
Reduces dissolved organics and nitrogenous waste
Elos Pro Skimmer (Complex Carbohydrate Formula) Coral Food
Elos Pro Skimmer is a complex carbohydrate formula based on pure carbohydrate sources designed to reproduce the suspended colloidal matter found in natural seawater in a highly bio-available formula. Does not contain phosphate based preservatives. Ideal for Soft, LPS and SP corals. To recreate conditions in a healthy natural coral reef this product is best used with Elos Omega which will significantly reduce the need for live food and DOM (Dissolved Organic Matter). This is a key step in the reduction of dissolved organics and nitrogenous waste in a heavily stocked SPS aquarium.
# Original formula: reproduces the suspended colloidal matter founded in the natural seawater
# Superior nutritional profiles: high bio-available carbohydrate source
# No PO4 pollution: does not contains phosphate based preservative
Note: ELOS Pro Skimmer is a complex carbohydrate formula. In it we use only pure carbohydrate sources. Similar products available on the market contain various inorganic phosphate salts intentionally added to them as preservatives. To avoid the need of these preservatives we take great care to packing conditions, which are made in low contamination, controlled atmosphere.

3) Elos SvC – Pure Plankton Coral Food


Elos SvC (Plankton Supplement)
Contains a multitude of organic nutrients, as well as vitamins and other beneficial ingredients including omega 3, omega 6 oils selenium, anti-oxidants, etc. Ideally suited for “target feeding” with a pipette filter feeders, soft corals and LPS.
Elos Zooplankton Coral Food for Filter Feeders Information
SVC- zooplankton for filter feeders
Through highly efficient filtration and protein skimming we clear organic molecules and particulate matter from our systems. The impact of this method of filtration on the availability of nourishment needs to be taken into account for the modern aquarium user.
If our target is to emulate many of the physical and chemical factors of the ocean then in terms of dissolved nutrients wild reefs are very poor in nutrients, however we should not ignore the presence of the very important non-dissolved nutrients. NSW over natural reefs is often rich in planktonic organisms and other desirable small organism. These are very important for the survival of filter feeders such as some coral species, tube worms, sea anemones, sponges, clams, tunicates, and in general all the biomass of our aquarium which in a well kept system contains a macrofauna that need energy to survive.
For the good health and husbandry of these animals, including many of the smaller-polyp corals and soft corals, we must provide the appropriate planktonic foods. Elos SvC is a high-concentrated bio-engineered marine zooplankton supplement ideal for filter-feeding marine invertebrates. It contains a multitude of organic nutrients as well as vitamins and other beneficial ingredients such as some non traditional compounds that were demonstrated to work such as Omega-3, Omega-6 and other fatty acids, Selenium, anti-oxidants etc..
Elos SvC produces, in a matter of days visible and rapid results beneficial to the animals we maintain in our aquariums.

1) It is complete: because it contains a multitude of organic nutrients as well as vitamins and other beneficial ingredients
2) It is innovative: because it contains non-traditional compounds that were demonstrated to work like Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils
3) It enhances the animals ability to build cells: because it promotes cell building blocks, the matrix of life of the aquarium animals
4)Ideal for filter feeders
5)Can also be used to feed small fish
6) High nutritional profile: may be used as a complete brine shrimp replacement

Note: Elos SVC is a powder, packed inside an aluminum bag. Similar products available on the market need refrigeration or even freezing. They normally contain various inorganic phosphate salts intentionally added to them as preservatives. To avoid the need of these preservatives we take great care to packing conditions, which are done in low contamination controlled atmosphere.

Manufacturer Info
ELOS: the ultimate supplements and equipment for marine and planted aquariums.
Elos is an aquaristik company that is exclusively dedicated towards the development, production, and marketing of specialized, high quality products for the aquarium market.
We apply the latest advances in marine and fresh water sciences into our manufacturing and products. We are environmentally responsible as well as respectful of the key ethic rules on employment and production. Almost all our products are made in Italy, through few, well trained Internal Employee with the help of key external suppliers, Universities and Research Centers.
Our commitment is to invest in the future, we take great care of details and innovations but beside this we also take care of our traditions. We apply modern process, but we also use traditional techniques, employing local craftsmen for the production.
We take great care in designing our products, and packs to simplify their use making them pleasant to see and to touch. From the first contact with our products you will immediately perceive the care to produce them and the great attention toward each single detail.
For all this we invite you, by heart, to try our products. Join your passion with us, use our products and make the best out of them and, we are sure, You will experience the delight of creating your personal, unique underwater world in a beauty you have never seen before.


Please stop in and see these and all our new products, including the new Skimz protein skimmers.

Thanks for reading!


Greg D. Watkins.

Owner: Saltwater Eddies, LLC,
Phone/Text 503-380-2023